Marilyn de Guehery is an artist and abolitionist from a swamp in Florida. On a constant search for things of great value, Marilyn seeks to make what she finds beautiful, accessible and dignifying. Her favorite color is yellow. Moved to New Haven four years ago to serve on the communications team at Love146, an organization headquartered in Connecticut that’s working to end child trafficking and exploitation through prevention and aftercare. Check out Love146 (and lots of her artwork) at and
“This talented caballero is Orlando Renteria. He’s a taxi driver with Ecuamex. I’m from Orlando, so we connected easily. His sister and I have the same first name. He comes to the green to get moving and stay loose – this was his first day back out this year. He said he dreams of coaching others in soccer, so if you want join him, wander to the green around 5:30 and keep your eyes peeled.”
For more photos of Orlando, check out the ILNH Facebook Album: Orlando Complete Set
I love that first picture!
Me too! It's such a moving image…