That’s really a rhetorical question, but check out these cool photos from a album cover shoot that I did with Ahsh Eff in Winchester! Ahsh Eff (pronounced ahh-shh efff ) lives in New Haven and was born in Saratoga Springs, NY. Her latest album, “The Wrath of Young Ursulah”, is set to drop later this month. Check out her Facebook fan page: Ahsh Eff on Facebook
Here is Ahsh Eff’s latest video which was released last week. She’s good!
Chris, I love your work in general, but violence against women and portraying attractive women as dead is far too common a trope in fashion photography. Here's a board with lots of examples: I read the comment on facebook that Ahsh did her own make-up (including, I'm assuming, the black eye, blood, and smeared make-up), so I'm not laying the blame on you. It just really irks me to see another image of an attractive woman presented as dead for the shock value. I think these kinds of images both sexualize violence towards women and desensitize people to it.
Thanks for your feedback Jessica. I recognize where you're coming from, and generally agree with you. This shoot was of a concept by the artist and I know that for her, it was symbolic of a life-metamorphosis, and she would say that it wasn't for shock value.