Like many people, I always get reflective and nostalgic around this time of year. Here are the ten most viewed posts on this blog since our inception in September of 2012. The titles are linked to the original post.
10 – New Haven Portrait Project – July 18, 2013
9 Salt -N- Pepa, July 27, 2014
8- 2015 New Haven Calendar Photos, September 11, 2014
7- People on the Street, December 8, 2013
6- Sandy’s Damage Around New Haven
5- New Haven Memorial Album, May 15, 2014
4- New Haven Sign on the Green, February 9, 2014
3- Nemo Randallized, February 9, 2013 (2/9 is a good date for us)
2- Winchester Lofts, October 21. 2014
1- Freight Train Derailment, March 17, 2013