As I am writing this, getting ready to leave the office and head home for my last test run of an onion-and-collard stuffing (don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!), I have music playing in one ear, am monitoring the WNHH radio stream in another, and am thinking hard about how much I have to be thankful for this year.
A big part of that is that I have some of the best colleagues in the world. In July I started full time at the New Haven Independent, and the job has officially ruined me for future employment. We constructively critique and learn from each other. Every moment is a teachable one. And we’re always trying to become better reporters, because I think we genuinely want to be.
On a recent Saturday, our very own Chris Randall became a part of that, giving a three-hour photo workshop in the joint-crackling cold. So in return, I give him — and you, dear readers — this, my love letter to the people I work with every day, who are making my life with every comment, every suggestion, and every story.
Aliyya Swaby, The Indy’s Education and School Beat Reporter
Markeshia Ricks, who covers neighborhoods, business, and more.
Tom Breen, host of WNHH’s Deep Focus
Happy Thanksgiving, New Haveners! We’ll be in the newsroom if you need us.