The New Haven Sasquatch made a surprise debut appearance at Artwalk’s fashion show on Friday night, modeling a wrap-around dress designed by Tea Montgomery of Threads by Tea. Sasquatch was the final model to walk the runway that night and closed out the fashion show with roars from the audience that also had their jaws dropped in disbelief.
The super-secret collaboration between Tea and Sasquatch was hatched months ago through a chance conversation the two had while attending an event downtown. The plan started to take shape last month when Sasquatch met Tea at his Westville studio to be measured for a bespoke creation for the show.
Follow The New Haven Sasquatch on IG: @newhavensasquatch
Follow Threads by Tea on IG: @threadsbytea
Follow I Love New Haven on IG: @ilovenewhaven
@ Tea’s studio for measurements on April 14

From the fitting and fashion show on May 12

Werking the Runway!

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