Halloween Downtownstyle – Chris Randall
Colin Caplan gave a spirited Halloween Taste of New Haven (Haunted) Tour
Sandy’s Damage Around New Haven (photos taken 5:45PM) – Chris Randall
These photos were taken in New Haven tonight, October, 29th between 5:30PM and 6:00PM Quinnipiac River/ Grand Avenue Bridge Front Street/ Quinnipiac River Park Front Street/ Quinnipiac River Park Front Street/ Quinnipiac River Park Front Street Front Street/ Quinnipiac River Park Empty Grand Avenue Mill River/ English Station/ East Rock Mill River NHPD telling the […]
Pre-hurricane Haven – Chris Randall
I took these photos the night before Sandy between 10:00PM and 11:30PM
Dia de los Muertos/ Day of the Dead Parade – Chris Randall
City-Wide Open Studios – Chris Randall
I exhibited this year for the first time and it was awesome! Here are photos of some really cool people in and around my area. Mike Morand behind his most recent acqusition Space Pirate mesmerized by his own show on the tele I managed to break him away from the TV for an interview Ian Applegate […]
Protest (and art intervention) – Chris Randall
A few days ago I attended a cool interactive protest on Cross Campus at Yale where the demonstrators chanted whatever got written on a white board stationed on an easel, and continued chanting the message until a passer-by would erase it and replace it with a new message of their own.