Blizzard – Tif Shen
A few photos from the blizzard last week, highlighting our struggle against nature, and rarely seen aspects of our city.
Winter Street Shooting – Tif Shen
Farewell, 2015! – Tif Shen
It is the end of a year and the beginning of a new one, I went through my photo archive, and selected 10 of my favorite photos from 2015. Resolution for 2016? Take more photos of New Haven! Happy New Year!
Winter is coming?
What a warm beginning of winter! So warm, that leaves are growing and flowers are blossoming. I could not resist capturing these intriguing phenomena on camera.
New Haven through a phone – Tif Shen
As a photographer, it is too easy to get overly attached to our gear. I was reminded of this fact last weekend, when my camera kit was temporarily lost for 24 hours (I found it later, fortunately). All the photos below are taken when my personal phone: spontaneous moments of life that could not have […]
Hallowen Critical Mass – Tif Shen