The Beauty of New Haven in the Rain – Chris Randall
A Celebration Of The Anchor – by Mike Franzman
A Sudden, Unceremonious Closing Of The Anchor Restaurant meant that many did not get to re-visit before it closed its doors. Here are several of my photographs that feature The Anchor Restaurant The Anchor Restaurant – 272 College Street (at Chapel Street) in New Haven, CT, closed on January 4, 2015 The Anchor was situated […]
I Love New Haven Instagram- Yancey Hitt
These past few months I have shirked my responsibilities to the ILNH Instagram, so I dedicate this post to it to let you all know I am back to bringing you all daily photos right to our Instagram! Go follow us @ilovenewhaven
Thanks New Haven – by Gary
Whatever your political persuasion you have to appreciate New Haven’s central role in the big electoral fights in the state of Connecticut. On Monday evening Governor Malloy, LT. Governor Wyman, Attorney General Jepsen and others made a stop in the city to express their appreciation of this fact.