In the wake of the events of the last week news that a worker at Yale faced charges for breaking a glass image depicting what he saw as racist imagery galvanized support outside his 10 AM court appearance at Superior Court on Elm street.
Scenes From A Die In by Gary
On Friday afternoon while the country was still dealing with three days of horror several people gathered on the Green in New Haven to hold a Die In. The group of largely young adults was diverse and their action unlike what we have been watching spoke to our ability to come together More Images OnFacebook
Cafe Nine Gets A Dance Party – Lucy Gellman
Wednesday night, Dr. Caterwaul’s Cadre of Clairvoyant Claptraps and The Dustbowl Revival rocked Cafe Nine — that tiny, industrious and indestructible watering hole on Crown and State streets – for three hours, turning the audience hoarse as members screamed and whooped for more. Here are a few photos from that magical night.
A New Day in Newhallville
On Saturday at the park at Lincoln Bassett school a community came together to enjoy the New Day in Newhallville event put on in conjunction with ConnCAT. It was a good time from beginning to end. More in the Facebook Gallery
More Fireworks!!! by Gary
What an awesome night for fireworks!
Fireworks! – Yogasai Gazula
While watching the fireworks with friends in the Wilbur Cross parking lot, I managed to take a few snaps. Happy Fourth of July!
Q-Bridge Lit up for the 4th of July – Chris Randall
Here are more photos of the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge lit up in Red White and Blue for the 4th of July. long exposure/manual zoom manipulation Some pre-dusk shots: