the green
Arts and Ideas 2015- Yancey Hitt
New Haven Tree Lighting – Jeffrey Kerekes and Gary
Rally In The Rain For Education Reform – Jeffrey Kerekes
#ForEveryChild ForEveryChildCT.org The Coalition For Every Child is a movement of parents, students, educators, community members, faith leaders, advocates and organizations dedicated to ensuring that each and every Connecticut student has a quality education. Stand with us and support the campaign for better schools. Adapted from their press release: Thousands of kids and parents joined officials and […]
Salt ‘N Pepa – Chris Randall and Jeffrey Kerekes
This is a fast time lapse from 4pm to 6:30 pm. There were many more people after 7pm. The green was packed from front to back as well as along the main corridors on the left (along Temple Street) and right (along Church). It was amazing how many people there were. Chris Randall Photo Chris […]
The Temptations Concert on the New Haven Green – Chris Randall and Jeffrey Kerekes
Can I take your picture? Proud Great Grandad, daughter and great grand daughter. “Take a picture of me and my cousin.” And the belly laughs ensued. […]
Monday on the Green- Yancey Hitt
The Green, a famous centerpiece of New Haven, and while there was no Arts & Ideas Festival going on yesterday, it still seemed like an important place to shoot. The fountain by the bus stop Arts & Ideas signs “Floatastic” part of Arts & Ideas An empty Arts & Ideas booth Shot this guy prepping […]