yancey hitt
Summer Appreciation Post- Yancey Hitt
Here is a friendly reminder that summer is coming through a collection of my favorite portraits from the summer.
Blue Haven- Yancey Hitt
My friend Valerie and I went out in the cold to photograph New Haven in blue. Blue snow Blue sky Bluer sky Blue emergency light Valerie in an all blue outfit Blueish light Blueish lights pt. 2 More blue snow!!
Koffee? Appreciation Post- Yancey Hitt
I have recently spent a lot of time at Koffee, and on this Wednesday evening I was there and took pictures to appreciate the environment, people, and menu. Hot drinks menu Cold drink menu Food options Two of my friends who are also baristas, Taylor (left) and Zoe (right) Doodles by the cash register Buy […]
Snow on the Green Before Sunrise- Yancey Hitt
Got up very early, before dawn, to shoot the Green covered in snow before sunrise!
Night Lights- Yancey Hitt
I woke up at 5 AM and walked around my neighborhood, taking pictures of the lights. Here is what I found:
My 2014- Yancey Hitt
On this New Year’s, I looked back at my favorite posts of this year and created a post about them to show my 2014.