Imagine a giant, made to order, sushi roll the size of a burrito for only $6. It’s a great sandwich and comes with a variety of choose your own toppings. Worth a taste at SnoJoy Cafe on Whitney Ave at Grove Street. ” What is Sushi Burrito? This multicultural fusion food is a sushi roll […]
Jazz Moments – by Mike Franzman
The musical excellence in Greater New Haven is renowned, and as photographer for the Branford Jazz Festival for the last few years, I’d like to share a few of those moments with you all. -mf Marion Meadows takes the stage on the Branford Green Dave Daddario on stand-up bass Keyboard Frenzy! Elan Trotman […]
Maltby Lakes and Lighthouse Point Park by Guest Photographer Stacy Spell
Stacy Spell is a community life coordinator at Kensington Square Apartments in New Haven. These photos are from recent field trips to Maltby Lakes and Lighthouse Point Park. Maltby Lakes caption Complete with winding hiking trails and pristine lakes covering Orange and West Haven CT, the Maltby Lakes area is a great place to visit. […]
Student Quartet Concert at Claires
There are times when shooting one event a week becomes difficult with my duties as a state senator and trying to maintain some sort of a normal life. This week was looking like one of those times when I was told about an event at Claires. It turns out that New Haven again lives up […]
Urban Scavenger Hunt – Jeffrey Kerekes
Team Social Media. Facebook was sick today.
Funny Face Friday – Chris Randall
I went out and got these photos of people downtown on Friday. I told everyone that it was Funny Face Friday asked for a funny face. I also asked for a fact about themselves that others would be surprised by. Betty, surprising fact: that she used to work with me at Winchester in the late […]
Bees & Butterflies – by Mike Franzman
My fifteen favorite photos of these fabulous flying machines… All Photos © Mike Franzman