The Kulturally Lit team along with the Literary Romance Conference of the Yale African American Studies Department put together a day of amazing events and showcases. The Elm City Lit Fest brought people together from far and near that all shared the love of one thing …. literature!! All though books were not the only thing here it was the main thing! I was able to catch the beginning of the days events. The Dixwell QHouse & Stetson Branch Library was the home for this years event.
They started with the sounds of the St. Lukes Steel Band as the vendors begin to set up. The Library was filled with children of all ages as they began story time and some arts and crafts. In the gym was the Hall of Authors. There was romance, comics, fiction and non- fiction authors and books. There was literally something for everyone and I am sure the rest of the day was just as fun. Don’t miss next years event where I can guarantee it will be bigger and better.
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