Be sure to check the link at the bottom of this post for the expanded album on the ILNH Facebook page. To see more parade photos check out our Facebook album: HERE
Achievement First Teachers’ Expedition – Chris Randall
Next week, I’m leading a week-long photography expedition with middle school students at Elm City College Prep. I didn’t start taking pictures until about six years ago, so teaching photography to students that young is very exciting for me. The impact that photography can have on them is unlimited. I also love being able to […]
New Haven Chamber Orchestra – Lucy Gellman
Hey there Elm Citizens! Just a quick post this week on New Haven’s wonderful Chamber Orchestra (NHCO), to celebrate some big news for them: they just scored a big arts grant from the Mayor, and are using it for some very cool stuff at their concerts. Like free books for kids and family friendly programming. […]
Southern on the Hill
On Tuesday professors and students from New Haven’s Southern Connecticut State University, organized by the CSU-AAUP union, went to the state capitol to engage legislators in a discussion about what the possible cuts coming really mean for their ability to deliver education to the students served by the university. Southern, and the three other institutions […]
Band Practice With Spit-Take – Daniel Vieira
New Haven has a long history of experimenting with punk music and culture. My favorite bands and people in this community are not only talented musically and lyrically as individuals but also help build community through an all ages music scene. I love the part of punk and local music that aims to bring in […]
New Haven Sunrises and Sunsets – Chris Randall
Here is a selection of some of my most popular sunrise and sunset shots all in one post!
AFRICA SALON Presents: Festival Closing Party | Ifeanyi
As the second annual AFRICA SALON, Yale’s contemporary African arts festival, approaches, here’s a look back at the Windham Campbell Festival‘s first-ever Closing Party, co-hosted by AFRICA SALON at New Haven’s Harvest Wine Bar and Restaurant.