These are a few of my favorite places in New Haven, which I highly recommend to all of you. Favorite new restaurant: Tikkaway Grill Favorite pizza place: Bar Favorite hair salon: Details Favorite store: Salvation Army, but sadly it has left New Haven And this is what is looks like now Favorite street art: Anne […]
Wooster Street – Guest Photographer Christina Ferraiolo
Christina Ferraiolo, from Northford, took a stroll down Wooster Street on a recent weekend and submitted the following photos. She loves photography and I LOVE NEW HAVEN.
Food Diversity- Yancey Hitt
New Haven is pretty diverse, especially with food. So this post is pretty self-explanatory. Zafra (Cuban) Zafra (Cuban) Skappo (Italian) Skappo (Italian) Miso (Japanese) Miso (Japanese) Royal Palace (Chinese) Lalibela (Ethopian) Istanbul Cafe (Turkish) Ibiza (Spanish) Ibiza (Spanish) Thai Taste (Thai) Kasbah Garden Cafe (Moroccan)
The Other Pizza- Yancey Hitt
New Haven is home to some of the best pizza in the country (rated #1,7, and 11 on a recent poll). But the same famous restaurants are always mentioned, so this weeks post notices the less famous, but still some of my personal favorites (and other peoples too!) pizza restaurants. My best friend introduced me […]