I can’t tell you the number of times that I have heard someone say – there’s nothing to do in New Haven. That statement is mind boggling to me. Now to be sure there are some – maybe many – who know this is a city in motion. Sometimes I wish there was a bit […]
Friday Nights on Orange St- Yancey Hitt
On the first friday of every month there is a dinner party on the last block of Orange St. This was the first time I’d ever really heard of it. Elm Shakespeare did a reading, there was a cornhole tournament, etc. This nice guy was telling us about a drink he was trying to sell […]
Final Home Bout of the Season with CTRG – Jeffrey Kerekes
Keep up with CTRG at their website. See many more photos from the Sabotage Bout and Brutals Bout on our Facebook page.
New Haven From Above – By Mike Franzman
See New Haven from a higher vantage point. Church Street, Town Hall, and New Haven Green from above New Haven County Courthouse from above New Haven Skyline (as seen from the north) Yale Bowl from above (empty) Grove Street and Yale University from above Woolsey Hall as seen from the top 360 State Street & Center Court […]
New Haven Street Scenes – Jeffrey Kerekes
Arts and Ideas Popups (Dixwell & The Hill) – by Gary
The city of New Haven often is the recipient of bad press that ultimately is interpreted as suggesting that the young people in the city know nothing other than how to wreak havoc and disharmony in the community. The Arts and Ideas Pop up Fest which focuses on the neighborhoods and more specifically the […]
Nostalgic New Haven Pt. 2- Yancey Hitt
Two weeks ago I did a post about my nostalgic spots in New Haven, I asked you guys and got input from my sister and her good friend, both of them graduated high school this year and went off too college. I asked where they felt nostalgic and went out to shoot. Clark’s Clark’s Koffee […]