Hello from New Hampshire, Elm Citizens! This week I am very excited to be covering the first-in-the-nation primary (that’s really what it’s called) for the New Haven Independent with fellow reporter Tom Breen. Each day, we’ve been trying to lend a new or funky angle to the news that is going on here, from following Connecticut […]
New Haven Rising Lit Drops the City
New Haven Rising has taken on the fight of increasing the number of and access to good jobs in the city of New Haven. On this past Saturday they continued their efforts to leave information at the doors of the city raising awareness about their effort. Facebook Gallery
Public Art (part 2) – Yogasai Gazula
More public art! Rain Column by Mikyoung Kim Rain Column by Mikyoung Kim Serie Metafisica XVIII by Herk Van Tongeren Serie Metafisica XVIII by Herk Van Tongeren The last three are not public art pieces but I thought they were cool and artistic. A cute bicycle stand. Decorating traffic boxes is a great idea! Another bike […]
Blizzard – Tif Shen
A few photos from the blizzard last week, highlighting our struggle against nature, and rarely seen aspects of our city.
Flying High on Escapade – Lucy Gellman
There were a lot of things that happened last weekend. Leora Morris opened her production of Women Beware Women at the Iseman Theater (still going on through Jan. 29!), and it was amazing. BAR kept its doors open during the blizzard — which we from Michigan would call a “dusting” — and had a crazy […]
New Haven As Civic Haven – Gary Winfield
The New Haven Votes Coalition held a meeting at city hall on January 26 to set priorities which include increasing the number of young people participating in public hearings, expanding the scope of the New Haven Democracy Fund, supporting automatic voter registration, making sure ex- offenders know the laws pertaining to their ability to vote […]
Daily East Rock Photos – Daniel Vieira
For the last 5 years I have lived and worked in the East Rock neighborhood. Most of my time in New Haven has been here. It is bordered by Prospect Hill, Fair Haven, Wooster Square and Yale. As like most of the rest of the city it is in a redevelopment phase. The new East […]