Pechakucha is: “creative, innovative, passionate ideas… in an inspiring format”. Selected presenters share 20 slides for 20 minutes on any topic they’re passionate about hosted at Bentara on Orange Street. If you’re going to go, and want to sit down, get there very early. Pechakucha is always packed! To get a sense of what it’s all […]
Faces and Places – Chris Randall
I’m filling in for Gary this week in his usual Wednesday spot. In addition to being an awesome ILNH photographer, he’s also a State Senator and they’re all working hard right now to wrap up this current legislative session. Here are some beautiful faces and places I’ve photographed around town within the last five days. […]
Late Night Extended Exposures- Yancey Hitt
I stood at one intersection, where Whitney Ave. forks off into Church St. and Temple St., and I took extended exposures of vehicles passing by, from buses all the way to bicycles.
The Cherry Blossom Festival – Gary and Chris
Here are some of our fave’s from yesterday’s 41st Annual Wooster Square Cherry Blossom Festival. On Sunday me, my camera, my wife and dog went to the Cherry Blossom Festival. We ran into Mary Lou Aleskie and she got us thinking about Arts and Ideas. The Festival was a family kind of event. It was […]
New Haven In The Rain – by Mike Franzman [mf]
Though April also brought snow this year, here’s to New Haven in the Spring… Yale University’s Old Campus In The Rain College Street In The Rain – sepia Crown Street In The Rain Chapel & High Streets On A Rainy Night College Street In The Rain A Rainy Night At Church & Crown […]
Concentration & Laughter At Fusion Drill Team – Jeffrey Kerekes
The Fusion Drill Team learned a new routine tonight which brought about a lot of concentration and laughter. They were learning a new routine for the Freddie Fixer parade on May 17-18th where you can see Fusion perform. They are also planning on attending the National Championships in Atlanta on August 5th, 2014. They can […]
The Word (City Wide Poetry Jam) – by Gary
This event featured the Poets of Columbus Family Academy and Fair Haven School. Aaron Jafferis, a well known poet here in New Haven hosted and there were special guest poets from Solar Youth. The Word has been a powerful too helping students learn to read, write, analyze, and perform poetry. See more photos in the Facebook […]