This is Phan. She’s from Vietnam and used to model in Singapore. Phan is currently a freshman in Jonathan Edwards College at Yale and is also a cheerleader for the football team. Phan is the one at the top of the pyramid! Yesterday we went on a great photo adventure downtown which was really fun. […]
Fashion Friday: Halloween Style, Part II * – Daria Anna
HALLOWEEN EDITION PART II: *(viewer discretion is advised: Adult Halloween Costumes) But hey Daria, isnt Halloween over? Wasn’t Halloween last week? I personally think it’s one of the best things around and so I make it a 2 week event. It helps that I have friends who think the same. One night I was an owl, another […]
Panoramic Views From The 33rd Floor – Jeffrey Kerekes & Chris Randall
A Tall Building, But Not A Single Bound – Jeffrey Kerekes & Chris Randall
First, many thanks to Bruce Becker, Dragana LaCore, Luke Bennett, and Kyle Huckle at 360 State Street who helped make these photos happen, some whom braved the cold and wind along with us. Downtown Ambassadors painting the light poles at Chapel & Orange Streets English Station – a beautiful mess of a story. The New Haven […]
Guest Photographer – Wooster Square – CG Todaro
I’m a photographer and music producer and my works are visible on my website, I enjoy capturing scenes with the focus on how so much change can occur around a subject while other things remain practically untouched. I used the tilt shift effect on several shots (below) to accent the blend of peak fall […]
ECA Visual Arts Show- Yancey Hitt
Yesterday was the Visuals Arts show at the arts school I go to, everyone there is really talented and I wanted to show how great they are.
Reflections on the West River – Chris Randall
Here are some reflection photos of the West River that I took last week. this isn’t a relection shot, but I did get in the river to get it and it came out really nice