I just knew that Lulu was get into something really cool after she sold her Lulu’s Coffee House, which had become a New Haven institution that was frequented and adored by so many people. She even told all of us to wait and see what comes next. We no longer have to wait! Lulu just […]
A Midsummer Night’s Dream – by Mike Franzman
Elm Shakespeare Company’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Now Playing in New Haven’s Edgerton Park (every night except Mondays, through September 4) Charles Frederick Secrease as Oberon Evan Gambardella as Robin Goodfellow/Puck Kristin Wold as Tatania, surrounded by her wood-nymphs & fairies The players within the play, ready to perform for the Duke Tai Verley has […]
Sneak Peek – Lucy Gellman
Hey there, New Haveners! I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek into No-Pop’s last show in New Haven (we’re not going to talk about that right now, but there’s an article in the New Haven Independent with more spoilers), and wanted to incentivize going. The artists, Laura Marsh and Phil Lique, have been […]
Unity (In The Community) by Gary
On Sunday I had a little while to stop by Goffe Street Park for Unity in the Community.,,it was WONDERFUL! See More in the Facebook Gallery
A Dancer & Aerialist at Lighthouse Park- Chris Randall
Here are some shots I took of Gracie earlier this month at Lighthouse Point Park. Gracie is a phenomenal dancer and aerialist and I LOVE shooting with her. Check her out in Instagram: www.instagram.com/gracie_gw/ Would you like me to photograph you and/or your family somewhere in New Haven? If so, email me at chris@chrisrandallphotos.com and I’ll send […]
Sounds Like Summer – Lucy Gellman
Vignettes from the last Ninth Square + Musical Intervention Open Mic of the summer.
A Protest (Gary Winfield)
At 3:30 on Tuesday afternoon activists and community members gathered outside City Hall and the police station to express concern about the handling of discipline of the city’s Chief of Police. I attended the rally at City Hall.