I Love PechaKucka New Haven (PKN) – If you haven’t heard of it, you are probably not Japanese (it means chit-chat), or you just haven’t had the opportunity to be exposed to it yet here in New Haven. Thanks to an all volunteer group, and Bentara as a gracious host, it has become a treasured community […]
Wednesday’s Guest Photographer – Benjamin Asbell
Benjamin is a freelance photographer in the New Haven area, with an interest in urban exploration and infrastructure. His current project is a collection of photographs based around the concept of urban bleakness, called “Projections.” It’s a work in progress, and in the future it will be accompanied by some short poems by Shoshana Lovett-Graff. […]
Hillhouse High School Alumni Classic – Jeffrey Kerekes
White Jerseys = “H House” and Blue Jerseys = “Guests”
Majestic and Poli Theaters Randallized – Chris Randall
I went urban spelunking in Bridgeport yesterday. Yeah, I know that it’s not New Haven, but they are what I got. These pictures are inside the old Majestic and Poli (Palace) Theaters which opened in 1922 at the height of optimism and excitement for a new age in theater performance, including cinema .They were designed by Thomas Lamb who was […]
Plenty of Free Parking – Jeffrey Kerekes
There was plenty of free parking on Thanksgiving Day in downtown New Haven. It looked like a ghost town. This happens predictably a few times a year but still a bit weird to experience. I guess this is what downtown Hartford goes through after 5pm all the time :-). From my camera phone.
Grateful on the Green – Happy Thanksgiving – Chris Randall
Yesterday I spent some time on the green asked folks what they were thankful for. William: “for friends and family, reminiscing, and enjoying togetherness” (left to right) Antonio, Jazmin, Christina: “for having shoes….friends…to live another day…. our mothers” Christina also added that she was grateful for her two year old son Juan. Michael: “thankful to have […]