New Haven endured a harsh dose of Winter this year… Here are some of my photographs of ice and snow. Park Street in the snow An Ivy-League Snow-Person In Old Campus at Yale University See You In The Spring an icy view of the Quinnipiac River, with Pilgrim Church visible Frozen River leading up to […]
Blue Haven- Yancey Hitt
My friend Valerie and I went out in the cold to photograph New Haven in blue. Blue snow Blue sky Bluer sky Blue emergency light Valerie in an all blue outfit Blueish light Blueish lights pt. 2 More blue snow!!
2015 Run for Refugees – by Gary
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Where We Work – Chiropractic & Wellness Center of New Haven – Jeffrey Kerekes
Dr. Jon ILNH asked on our facebook page for readers to submit their office to be featured for Where We Work Series based on Asha’s enthusiasm for hers, the Chiropractic & Wellness Center of New Haven, 59 Elm Street (Corner of Elm and Orange Streets) 203-909-6173. Here is what she had to say: “I work […]
Kids with Cameras – Chris Randall & the Students of Nathan Hale School
Today’s post is brought to you by students in my after school photography class at Nathan Hale School. It’s really fun to work with kids as they explore photography and to see the world through their lens. All of these photos were taken by a students between the ages of 5 and 10.
Summer Flashback: Music Haven – by Mike Franzman
Summer Flashback: Music Haven I happened upon MusicHaven’s mobile concert truck this summer, as they were playing on the New Haven Green— this was between my assignments at the City Seed Farmer’s Market, and the International Festival of Arts & Ideas. Eight months later, here are the photos. Enjoy the warmth! -[mf] Music Haven […]
Koffee? Appreciation Post- Yancey Hitt
I have recently spent a lot of time at Koffee, and on this Wednesday evening I was there and took pictures to appreciate the environment, people, and menu. Hot drinks menu Cold drink menu Food options Two of my friends who are also baristas, Taylor (left) and Zoe (right) Doodles by the cash register Buy […]