These photos here from my first excursion into English Station on March 18, 2012 put me on the map, so to speak. It was less than a year after I became a photographer and these photos definitely made people start paying more attention to what I was doing. You shouldn’t go in there! It’s highly […]
New Haven Classic Rock – concert photos by Mike Franzman [mf]
The Agora Ballroom, The Palace & Shubert Theaters, the Veterans Memorial Coliseum— New Haven has hosted its share of rock stars. Here is a sampling of my Classic Rock photographs dating from about 1978. Oh, and “HELLLOOOO NEW HAAAAVEN!!” the original Van Halen (with David Lee Roth) at the New Haven Coliseum (circa […]
San Cosme Mazatecochco Carnaval – Jeffrey Kerekes
As seen on Hamilton Street on Sunday. Here is a video I found on youtube from last year. To read more about the history behind this festival, I found that PDF online from a university in Mexico. The dates don’t match up but the costumes do, so Im not sure if this is the same […]
Memorial Day Ceremony – Gary Winfield
On Sunday afternoon as families were cooking out or preparing to as a lead up to memorial day a group gathered on LongWharf to remember those that are the reason for the holiday. The ceremony took place at the V memorial but there were people paying attention to other reminders that are generally not paid […]
A Walk Down Chapel Street- Yancey Hitt
Yesterday I met up with two of my friends, Kevin and Alex, and we walked most of Chapel St., throughout this walk I was inspired to photograph our travels, here are a few shots from the walk. Jojo’s Tandoor I’m not sure what this is but it looked really cool Found this parking lot and […]
New Haven Night Time Street Lights – Chris Randall
Not those kind of street lights, these are the lights reflected on the streets in the rain that I took on Friday night. the Federal Courthouse on Church Street Church Street near Chapel Koffee? Afterdark Church and Chapel Church and Crown Alley on College Street Whitney Avenue New Haven Green Crown and Temple College Street […]
Windows Of New Haven – by Mike Franzman [mf]
the architecture in New Haven is so exquisitely varied, it is possible to see beautiful windows, most everywhere you look… Sterling Memorial Library at Yale has myriad windows, all one-of-a-kind works of art Peabody Museum Of Natural History offers virtual, figurative, literal windows to our world Erector Square has tons of vintage windows, floors, and […]