Today is Park(ing) Day! Parking Day happens annually on the third Friday of September in the United States and around the world. People typically partipate by occupying curbside parking spots for the entire day with temporary installations to advocate for safer, greener, and more equitable streets. Between 2008-2012 there were many New Haven parking spaces converted into things like green spaces, a mini-golf game, and even a sandbox.
Co-op has kept the tradition alive in New Haven for years. Students occupy the sidewalk which becomes a temporary canvas for their colorful and expressive chalk designs. The day also features engaging performances from each branch of Co-op’s music department. The amount of talent and passion in that school is incredible. I’m grateful that I’m able to play a small part in that.
First up are two live videos that I posted to the I Love New Haven Facebook Page, followed by the photos that I took.

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