Silas Finch is a local artist with a studio downtown on Church Street. Silas produces some amazing sculptures out of scrap metal and other reclaimed materials. I visited his studio over the weekend, just before he packed it all up for a six day teaching fellowship at the Groton School in Massachusetts. His work will be on […]
Wednesday’s Guest Photographer – Stephen Harris
Stephen is a local resident with a passion for photography.
Winchester Building Randallized Again! – Chris Randall
Over the weekend, I went back into the Winchester Repeating Arms Factory Building, this time with Kate Tritsch who is studying photography at the University of Hartford. Here are some of the images.
Robert Messore’s Fabulous Guitar Night – Chris Randall
I love guitars and I love Robert Messore (he’s a great community builder and also a very talented musician). Saturday Night was the 11th Annual Fabulous Guitar Night which was performed in front of a packed house at St. John’s Church. Along with the admission, attendees were asked to bring a winter clothing item, which will be donated to […]
Art and (Swiss) Chocolate – Chris Randall
Monday night, December 3rd from 7:00PM – 9:00PM at the International Center (421 Temple Street), InspireYale will be having an opening reception open to the public. On display will be paintings created during “Big Brush” workshops which were led by artist/creative catalyst, Carmen Lund. Refreshments, food, and chocolate will be served. For more information, visit […]
PechaKucha #14 – Chris Randall
I Love PechaKucka New Haven (PKN) – If you haven’t heard of it, you are probably not Japanese (it means chit-chat), or you just haven’t had the opportunity to be exposed to it yet here in New Haven. Thanks to an all volunteer group, and Bentara as a gracious host, it has become a treasured community […]
Majestic and Poli Theaters Randallized – Chris Randall
I went urban spelunking in Bridgeport yesterday. Yeah, I know that it’s not New Haven, but they are what I got. These pictures are inside the old Majestic and Poli (Palace) Theaters which opened in 1922 at the height of optimism and excitement for a new age in theater performance, including cinema .They were designed by Thomas Lamb who was […]