In today’s economic climate, businesses come & go with alarming frequency. Sometimes it feels good to slow down and remember a favorite, long-time location that is no longer around… Clark’s Dairy on Whitney Avenue closed several years ago (Clark’s Restaurant next door, is still open) York Square Cinema was on Broadway for years, before […]
New Haven Ballet – Jeffrey Kerekes
Photos from the 29th Anniversary Spring Performance of the New Haven Ballet lead by Artistic Director Lisa Sanborn at the Co-Op High School Mainstage Theater.
Art Reception for Art Students at Claire’s Cornucopia – Gary
It was on Facebook and I was invited by Claire so I decided to show up. On Tuesday afternoon I made my way over to Claire’s Cornucopia to see what the Art Reception for Art Students was about. I was expecting to see some drawings or paintings fronts and center. What I found were young […]
The Nooks and Crannies of New Haven- Yancey Hitt
I was walking around downtown and photographed small areas between buildings, behind buildings, little outdoor settings, etc. Just cute areas not always noticed in New Haven. In front of Devil’s Gear Bike Shop In front of Devil’s Gear Between Orange St. and the Green Alley from the Green Alley next to Blue State Coffee on […]
Artwalk – Chris Randall
Here are some photos from the 17th Annual Artwalk in Westville. I’ll post more on the I Love New Haven Facebook Page Monday afternoon. Damian Coco and Elaine The Spells Katie Aaron, Willie, and Semi, all Edgewood Park champions Alderman Adam Marchand with Westville Village Renaissance Alliance’s Chris Heitman Kiley attack of the 50 foot Sara […]
Fair Haven Family Stroll – Ian Christmann
Some photo from the weekend by guest photographer Ian Christmann. Check out more of his work on his website or Facebook page.
Live Music – by Mike Franzman [mf]
New Haven has always had a reputation for landing world-class artists, and this tradition continues, in the hands of outstanding musicians… Bluesman George Baker in one of his many New Haven appearances Frank Critelli on stage at Toad’s Place on York Street Roseanne Cash at the International Festival of Arts & Ideas on the Green Keyboardist […]