There used to be this genre of film, seemingly in constant production, where some inner city youths met a tough teacher or coach who changed their lives for the better. Usually the film would introduce the young people…do a bunch of exposition where the audience fell in love with the young people…one of them would […]
The Other Pizza- Yancey Hitt
New Haven is home to some of the best pizza in the country (rated #1,7, and 11 on a recent poll). But the same famous restaurants are always mentioned, so this weeks post notices the less famous, but still some of my personal favorites (and other peoples too!) pizza restaurants. My best friend introduced me […]
New Haven Portrait Project, Ferry and Grand – Chris Randall
I planned on doing this week’s portrait project at Bella Vista, but when I got there nobody was around. I’m not sure if it was the drizzle or the dark, but only two people walked by me in the entire thirty minutes I was there. They both declined to be photographed. After that I decided […]
Fashion Friday: Gallery style – Daria Anna
This week I searched for fellow fashionable New Havenites at an art gallery reception. The reception featured my a show of recent paintings, drawings and lenticular printed GIFs by artist Petra Szilagyi at Lipgloss Crisis 756 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT. The show runs until December 6th. Go check it out!! The artist herself, Petra! check […]
Spreading The Nice Word On Adoption – Jeffrey Kerekes
November is Adoption Awareness Month and Mike Howard is on a mission to speak with as many groups, whether at schools, support groups, churches or tv and radio shows as he can to tell them how adoption saved his life and why adoption is important. “I owe her [adoptive mother] my life since she gave […]
New Haven at Night (Where Were These Photos Taken?)- Gary Winfield
My original concept for today’s post was a story about young people in New Haven staying out of trouble and doing something constructive with their time. Things didn’t work out as planned and that post will happen later. Instead on this cold night I put on some warm clothes and went out to see New […]
Winter is Coming (As Shown Through Leaves)-Yancey Hitt
New Haven has one of the most beautiful transitions between fall and winter. The number of green leaves is slimming, quickly being replaced by yellow then brown leaves, until all the trees in New Haven are left bare. It is truly beautiful, so last night I went out and captured the various stages all the […]