On Sunday, in New Haven, several young women associated with the Yale chapter of the NAACP led a march from the courthouse on Church Street to the Juvenile facility on Whalley and back to The Green. The young women were able to raise awareness, pique curiosity and demonstrate the power of youth led activism. More […]
Tree House and Hummingbird by Allison Irene Hornak – Chris Randall
I met Allison Hornak during last year’s City Wide Open Studios at the Goffe Street Armory. She was one of the commissioned artists and did an all-day, completely non-verbal performance action on the front lawn of the facility. Allison’s process, and dedication to it, really blew me away. At this year’s CWOS, Allison’s piece was […]
People on the Street and Their Surprising Facts – Chris Randall
(I had an issue with my camera this weekend so here is a great repost from April 19th) These are some street portraits I got around downtown over the weekend. I asked each of the subjects for a fact about themselves which others might be surprised by. The responses are beneath each photo. Amanda; surprising […]
Pride Block Party -Tif Shen
“My Shrine To Cycling” – Lucy Gellman
“I have built my shrine to cycling,” Matt Feiner said to me on a recent October Tuesday, as I ducked inside the Devil’s Gear bike shop to check out its new Orange Street digs. It was a little past lunchtime, and the shop was buzzing, cyclists filtering in and out on their way back to work. […]
Science Park Lights – by Gary
Last week was pretty busy. I realized Tuesday evening that I did not have a post for today so i figured since I live right at Science park I would take some shots of the areas at night. Because it was night and the exposure had to be longer some of the pictures have the […]
Signs of New Haven – Various Photographers
We called for submissions from our readers for signs from around New Haven. Here is a selection from their submissions. More photos are on our Facebook page. Please send photos of signs in your neighborhood to jeffrey@ilovenewhaven.org. From the Staff at Caffe inside Libby’s Italian Pastry Shop on Wooster St…. From D.G. Reid From Mariel Updegrove From Ian Christmann From Anna Zaharewicz […]