You’ve may have heard of it, but have you visited The Grove? The Grove was started by Slate Ballard and Ken Janke in September 2010 utilizing Project Storefront to test out their collaborative work space concept in 1200 square feet (sf) of underutilized downtown commercial space. In fact, The Grove was the first applicant to […]
Mothers Demand Action – Gary Winfield
Mothers Demand Action has been holding vigils in New Haven to bring communities together and spur them to action concerning the issue of gun violence. In New Haven the issue has been a primary focus of many for some years now and it has come to be all too often that the announcement of not […]
Love New Haven? ‘Like’ Our Facebook Page
I LOVE NEW HAVEN (ILNH) started about one and half years ago and is an all volunteer project celebrating the people, places and things that makes New Haven so great. One of small rewards for doing ILNH is connecting and sharing this project with new people through this website and Facebook. Please share this with […]
New New Haven Sign on the Green – Chris Randall
Well, not exactly, but take a look! Update: a couple people interpreted this sign as a dis to Bridgeport, which wasn’t my intention. Being Bridgeport isn’t a bad thing to be, it’s just not what New Haven would be without Yale (which is what I’ve heard people say throughout the years). There are great heroes, […]
Downtown Portraits – Damian Weikum, Guest Photographer
Damian is a junior at Yale University, pursuing a BS/MPH through Yale College and the Yale School of Public Health. He has previously posted with our site and is always excited to capture new community photos. In this series, Damian strolled around one chilly, New England morning and spoke to people living in New Haven. […]
Snow Haven – Allegra Ranelli, Guest Photographer
IRIS Run for Refugees 2014 – Gary Winfield
Super Bowl Sunday morning was the 7th Annual Run for Refugees. The run benefits IRIS (Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services). The morning was cool and foggy but the gym where registration took place quickly filled with runners, friends, families and spectators. Some had a special runner they were there to watch or encourage. Everyone seemed […]