I took these photos on the rooftop of a very tall building at Chapel and Temple around sunrise a few days ago. I’d rather not name the building, but you can probably figure it out.
chris randall
Zooming in New Haven – Chris Randall
I went out and got these shots early yesterday morning around downtown. I was having fun manipulating the zoom with exposures between four and ten seconds long (and using a tripod). Can you figure out where each photo was taken? This image and the one below it was taken in the same exact place, but […]
2016 New Haven Calendar – Chris Randall
2016 New Haven Calendars! You can order them online here through my paypal account. Calendars are $20 or $24.95 with shipping Just choose whether you want to pick the calendar up at my studio or have it shipped, then add to cart to complete the transaction. shipping arrange pickup at my studio $20.00 USDUSPS shipping […]
Best of Neville Wisdom’s Fashion Show – Chris Randall
Friday night was the 4th annual Fall Collection Fashion Show featuring the latest styles of Neville Wisdom’s Fashion Design Studio (www.nevillewisdom.com). Here is a collection of the best photos (aka my subjective favorites). I’ll post a link to an expanded album at the bottom of the thread. Dooley-O on the 1’s and 2’s good thing […]
Brains in Jars at the Cushing Center – Chris Randall
Last month I took a tour of the Cushing Center/Whitney Medical Library with a group of students from the Yale Center for Analytical Sciences. Dr. Harvey Cushing taught neurology at the Yale School of Medline, from 1933-1937, after retiring from a stellar career. He’s often refereed to as the father of neuroscience. Cushing obsessively documented […]
New Haven Coffee Table Book – Chris Randall
I’m currently designing a New Haven Coffee Table Book. I think it would be great for us to have something like that and also important for me to put out. I have a short list of photobook concepts that I’ll eventually publish which will be more world-focused, but I want the fist book to be […]
People on the Street and Their Surprising Facts – Chris Randall
I just got back from my first trip out to the west coast. The people there were very friendly, but I missed us New Haveners, which is why I decided to hit the streets and get some portraits today. I asked each of the participants for a fact about themselves which others might be surprised […]