Sled Riding at Edgerton Park and the Divinity School – Jeffrey Kerekes & Chris Randall
Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey Kerekes Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey Kerekes Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey Kerekes Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey Kerekes Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey Kerekes Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey Kerekes Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey Kerekes Photo by New Haven Photographer Jeffrey […]
A Few Portraits – Jeffrey Kerekes
Edgerton Park Lincoln Street Lyon Street
What Will Snow Look Like This Year? – Jeffrey Kerekes
Here are some 2011 snow pictures from around New Haven. What will we get this Winter? Sled riding at Edgerton Park Sled riding at Edgerton Park Icicles Wooster Square Lyon Street in Wooster Square, New Haven, CT Frozen Cherry Tree
“Love Made Visible” – Clowning Around at CT Folk – Jeffrey Kerekes
What’s the name of the person in the picture? Jammie The Gentle Clown Who is he/she? She celebrates every age with face painting, storytelling, puppets, magic and music. How did you meet? I was leaving the CT Folk Festival and saw a woman wearing a polkadot dress with a polkadot umbrella and I knew I […]
Fashion Week, New Haven Style – Chris Randall
all of these photos were taken in New Haven over the weekend designer Roderick Gilchrist of Westville at Saturday’s Catou fashion show in Fair Haven Saturday Fashion Show at Catou Custom Clothiers, 201 Front Street (www.catouwear.com) Saturday Fashion Show at Catou Custon Clothiers, 201 Front Street (www.catouwear.com) behind the scenes (and through a window) […]