Valerie: “All of New Haven.” Justin: “To all the people of the Town Green District and rest of New Haven.” Celeste (left): “To Everit Street.” Frank: “To theater goers everywhere.” Cassidy: “To my grandma.” Maya: “All the residents of New Haven.” Alex: “My parents.” Djibril: “My family.”
This Post Is Called On Account Of Snow
Last week’s snow cancelled a bunch of events that I had on my list of things which might yield possible stories. Even with this being the case this is New haven and there is always a story being told. I figured I would just go out and attend one of the six possible meetings that […]
Creative Arts Workshop Celebrations of American Crafts- Yancey Hitt
At the Creative Arts Workshop, in downtown New Haven, there is an art sale appreciating a variety of beautiful pieces. If you need some last minute Christmas shopping or are in need of any fun crafty piece make sure to check it out before it closes on December 24th!
People on the Street – Chris Randall
Sunday afternoon I went out on another People on the Street adventure and met some really interesting people. Check out who I ran into and what they were up to. Santa was making his annual pre-Christmas visit to New Haven. Actually Bill was looking for someone to go to the store for him two blocks […]
Fashion Friday: ECA – Viki Young
How Many Can You Eat? -Jeffrey Kerekes
When the movie The Hobbit was announced, competitive eater Jamie “The Bear” McDonald’s brother suggested he eat the entire special Hobbit menu at Denny’s, so he did and he captured it on video. Or did he? Due to technical challenges recording this feat on his own, he wound up eating the entire menu three times […]
Free 2 Spit – Gary Winfield
The first Friday of the month at 7pm (ok, maybe 7:30 or 8) at The people’s Center poets, artists and young people gather for a thing called Free 2 Spit. Several months ago during the time I was still in the race for mayor I realized the power the presence of a candidate could have. […]