english station
English Station Randallized – Chris Randall
These photos here from my first excursion into English Station on March 18, 2012 put me on the map, so to speak. It was less than a year after I became a photographer and these photos definitely made people start paying more attention to what I was doing. You shouldn’t go in there! It’s highly […]
A Tall Building, But Not A Single Bound – Jeffrey Kerekes & Chris Randall
First, many thanks to Bruce Becker, Dragana LaCore, Luke Bennett, and Kyle Huckle at 360 State Street who helped make these photos happen, some whom braved the cold and wind along with us. Downtown Ambassadors painting the light poles at Chapel & Orange Streets English Station – a beautiful mess of a story. The New Haven […]
English Station Re-Randallized (in B+W) – Chris Randall
Here is a selection of photos redone in B+W from my first adventure into English Station on March 18, 2012.
Industrial – Jeffrey Kerekes
I’ve been very busy this week and so I got behind in taking pictures. I usually have them posted ahead of time so I am not rushed to grab photos. So I gave myself a quick assignment: 30 minutes to take pictures and they must be from inside the car. All these were taken yesterday […]
Wednesday’s Guest Photographer – English Station and New Haven Views by David Ottenstein
David Ottenstein Photography www.davidottenstein.com
English Station Invasion (Part II) – Chris Randall
I Love English (but only the American kind, but only kidding) and I love (some Radio) Stations. Here is another series of English Station photos. These are some of the ones that I acquired yesterday yesterday afternoon by methods which won’t be discussed here. They were more than likely taken by drones on remote. This series here has […]