The Change in the Air Festival (CITA) is a block party-style festival that celebrates Black and Brown culture through craft beer, food, music, art, and community. The festival also supports people of color and diversifies the craft beer industry Check out some highlights of yesterday’s fourth annual Change in the Air Festival at CITA PARK below. […]
The Biggest New Haven Pizza Festival Yet
The New Haven Pizza Festival has officially grown into a signature New Haven event. The festival’s proper name is Apizza Feast and is pronounced ah-BEETS feest. It almost rhymes! The annual event celebrates the city’s rich pizza heritage, which is often considered one of the birthplaces of American pizza. The New Haven Pizza Festival of […]
Chalking it up to Art at Co-Op High
Today is Park(ing) Day! Parking Day happens annually on the third Friday of September in the United States and around the world. People typically partipate by occupying curbside parking spots for the entire day with temporary installations to advocate for safer, greener, and more equitable streets. Between 2008-2012 there were many New Haven parking spaces […]
The Elm City is seeing White !!!
Le Diner en Blanc is an elegant large-scale pop-up picnic that originated in Paris (1988) and takes place in a secret location in a different city. Patrons are asked to register, then get ready. The rules are simple bring own table chairs and table fixings and wear only white and be fabulous. The Diner en […]
2023 New Haven Puerto Rican Festival
The 2023 New Haven Puerto Rican Festival illuminated the New Haven Green with an explosion of color, music, and heartfelt celebrations. Puerto Ricans United organized this year’s festival which brought together the local Puerto Rican community and people from all walks of life. The festival showcased the rich tapestry of Puerto Rican culture through an […]
New Additions to the ILNH Team
I’m excited to announce that the current I Love New Haven team has just tripled in size (from one to three) with the additions of TeQoa Griffith and Ellektra Morrison! TeQoa, or TQ for short, is originally from Buffalo New York and has called New Haven her home for the last six years. I met […]
U.K. Double Decker Enthusiasts Visit New Haven
Three “bus mad” tourists from the UK came all the way to New Haven to visit The Mo-Pho, New Haven’s very own double decker bus. David Grimstone, Frankie Dixon, and Darren Tasker all work for Brighton and Hove. The three are also double decker bus preservationists and between them, they own seven double decker buses […]